Sunday, April 7, 2013

So really, what do you eat?

I've gotten quite a few questions about what it is that I actually eat day in and day out. I'll (hopefully) be giving you lots of good dinner options, but in reality my breakfasts and lunches are pretty set. I've found a line up that works for me. They are my go-to meals that keep me full, give me the energy to keep a strong workout schedule, chase my kiddos and still taste good.

For breakfast, I'm a huge fan of overnight oats. This is the single easiest breakfast I can think of short of hitting the Starbucks drive-thru. Not that my car doesn't occasionally find it's way to a drive-thru window, but what I usually find is that after the joy of that sweet, syurp-flavored sausage goodness is gone I kinda feel like crap. Not like "whoa wish I hadn't eaten something so bad for me," but literally do not feel well.

These on-the-go oats take a maximum of five minutes to prep before bed and are ready when you wake up. The options are limitless... I'm giving you the recipe for the photo below, but you could add anything by starting with a base of oats and the milk of your choice. I think Greek yogurt is a necessary part of the base oat mix, but I realize not everyone likes it as much as I do. Some great options are any flavor of extract, nuts, almond butter, PB2, 100% pumpkin and pumpkin pie-spice, apples, granola, coconut--the options are endless.

Put all the ingredients in a the tough part...stir it up! Then put an lid on it and refrigerate it overnight.
Cinnamon Maple Overnight Oats with Fresh Berries
1/4 c Old Fashioned Oats
1/2 c Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk or Milk of choice
1/4 c Plain Greek Yogurt
1/4 tsp Maple Extract or 1 tsp Real Maple Syrup
1 tbsp chia seeds
2-3 dashes of Cinnamon
1 packet Stevia
Topping- can be added in the morning or the night before
1/4 c strawberries
1/4 c blueberries

My other go-to breakfast is a Spinach Protein Smoothie. I pretty much always start with 8oz of almond milk, a huge handful of baby spinach, ice and then either a scoop of whey protein powder or a 1/2c of Greek yogurt....both if I'm just feeling crazy. From here, again, it is really up to your personal preference. Any nut butter (or PB2) is an easy and high-protein choice. To keep the calories and fat down I often opt for frozen (no sugar added/ unsweetened) frozen peaches, strawberries or mixed berries. Fresh fruit is a perfect choice. If it's in season...throw it in there! These are filling and I think when mixed with the protein powder, they really taste more like a milk shake than a smoothie. And let's face it, I'm all for anything that tastes like dessert no matter what time of day it is. As a bonus, I can even get my four year old to drink these. She calls them "monster smoothies." She is a picky eater so whatever she wants to call it, I'm just excited she's drinking it.
Spinach Protein Smoothie
8oz Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk or Milk of your choice
1/2 c Greek yogurt or 1 scoop vanilla or chocolate protein powder
1 huge handful of baby spinach
1/2 c ice
1/2 c frozen peaches
1/2 c frozen strawberries 

On days when we have plenty of time in the morning I love a good scramble. This is one of my favorites. It's a simple mix of eggs (or egg whites), cheddar cheese, zucchini, a little salt and pepper and a side of salsa. On the morning I took this picture I had made some zucchini chips. They weren't so good, but I'm not one to throw my experiments out, so on the plate they went.  I suggest sauteing your zucchini in the pan for a few minutes to soften it up a little before adding the eggs and cheese.
Lastly, I'm a big fan of pancakes and waffles on the weekends. When I was much more serious about limiting my carb intake these were a huge treat for me. I can't take credit for this recipe, but I do think its a good one as evident by the fact that I couldn't control myself long enough to take a proper picture before I dug in. Anyhow, this batter can be used to make either pancakes or waffles and it's pretty tasty. Throw a little fresh fruit on top and you've got a really good breakfast.

I feel it only right to warn you...these pancakes are not the inch-thick, light as air, from a mix pancakes we all know and love. They will be more dense, but they are good and eating healthy feels good so feel good about eating these waffles and ignore the denseness! See the recipe here. You'll notice the recipe says you can use cottage cheese or tofu. I've made it both ways. My personal preference is totally the cottage cheese. I also think they are better without the nutmeg. If you like your pancakes and waffles pretty sweet, add in a packet or two of Stevia and enjoy.
When it comes to lunch, you'll pretty much always see the same thing on my plate: protein, complex carbs, and veggies. I prep all my lunches for the week on Sunday night. It sounds like a tall order, especially when the kids need a bath or the laundry isn't washing itself, but taking these few minutes is what keeps me on track during the week. If I get the chicken in the oven right before I start the kid's bath the timing is just about in bed just about the time the chicken is done.

Before I got serious about preparing my meals for the week, I was having a rough time. By the time I worked out, got the kids home and made them lunch, then put the baby down for a nap---I would realize I was starving but couldn't find anything I wanted to eat---I was "hangry." You know, angry as a result of being hungry. Prepping my lunches keeps me from reaching that point and from reaching for the closest thing, be it Chick-fil-a or the bag of goldfish. Plus, it lets me sit down with the girls and enjoy a meal with them, which I love.

My usual protein of choice is chicken for a few reasons. 1) It's super easy to make and 2) You can make it taste different just by choosing different seasonings. Right now I'm loving a drizzle of olive oil and McCormicks "Perfect Pinch" Vegetable flavor. For a regular package of 2-3 chicken breasts, I find 40 minutes at 400 degrees is perfect. I also always line my pans with foil. It keeps clean up simple.
My carb choices are pretty standard as well. It is usually 1/2 a baked sweet potato, 1/2c  brown rice, or 1/2c quinoa. This week I had some little cheesy sausage quinoa muffins leftover from dinner so that will be my carb a few days this week. I'll share that recipe later this week. Remember: your  carbs don't have to be boring. Spice them up, use chicken stock instead of water to give them more flavor, add diced veggies or a little Parmesan cheese...

For vegetables I usually opt for broccoli, green beans, or a veggie blend of zucchini and squash. We're all busy and if something saves you a few minutes, all the better. That is why I often eat steam in the bag vegetables for lunch. I think they are better if you reduce the cooking time by 1-2 minutes when you initially cook them. It helps them not be mush by the time you re-heat your meal. Here is what my lunches look like this week.
Lastly, I'll just put it out there. As weird as I felt doing it the first time, I have taken my own food into several fast food restaurants. Occasionally a play date comes up for my daughter and I am left deciding if people are going to think I am a complete weirdo for showing up with my little Thermos of chicken, but you know what? I've decided I don't really care. This is a priority for me. Weirdo, table for one!

Got questions? Comments? Let me know. I'd love to hear from you!


  1. This looks great - and would work well for me (and save time) having my lunch made all week for work. I'm doing it! Need to go buy some Ziploc containers that don't look yucky....

    1. There are a ton of options out there for containers, but I like the ziploc brand ones that are about the size of a sandwich--square. They fit lunch perfectly!

  2. I think this is genius! And I laughed out loud at "weirdo, table for one!" I read in that book about how French women don't get fat (I think it was that book, anyway), that this is a trick that almost all thin people have - that their breakfast and lunches are almost identical day in and day out. Anyway, I'm with Sheryl: I'm doing it! Huzzah!

    1. I really thought I would get board with it, but I haven't. I top my chicken with hummus sometimes times after I warm it up for a change of flavor. Yum! I think I'll start adding in some fish in here and there, but fish tends to make everything in the container taste like fish, if you ask me. I'll have to work that out somehow.

    2. I love hummus! Maybe if you put the fish in its own little ziploc bag in the ziploc container it would protect the other food?
