Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Moderation, schmoderation...

All things in moderation...I think that's pretty much the way to eat. Except when you are on vacation, which is exactly where we've been. I had thoughts of sticking to my goals of clean eating and working out while we were at the beach, but you know what? The beach is made for swimming and sun and FRIED FOOD.

For the most part I try to avoid fried foods, but on this trip I decided all bets were off. If you are going to fall off the wagon, best to open your eyes and jump on off, right. Everything was just as amazing as I imagined it would be. Living in a land locked state, we don't get to enjoy fresh seafood very often so on this trip, I did. Every night. In all its glorious, batter-dipped golden goodness. Fried shrimp, hush puppies, fries...fry it, I'll eat it. Let's just say I also ate something called a "cheese log." Yes, it is exactly what you are thinking it is...a fried, melty, heart attack on a plate.

My husband and I managed a couple of two-mile runs while we were there...moderation in all things, right... but for the most part we took a full-on break from life and it was just what our family needed. Rest, Eat, Repeat.

There was one noticeable difference in this trip from the other vacations we've taken. By the end of our time at the beach I found myself actually craving my routine, a solid workout, an UN-breaded vegetable. I'm realizing the changes I've made aren't just changes anymore. This is me now and I've got to say, I like it.

It would be a total lie to say all this reckless abandon didn't have it's negative side. Of course I had to know the damage I'd done so the morning after we got back I made sure to strip off every ounce of clothing, ponytail holder included, and stepped onto the dreaded (surely incorrect) scale. Yep, just as bad as I imagined it would be. I know logically it's not possible to gain 6 pounds in a week unless you are literally eating Crisco, but that's what the old girl said. I'm pretty sure it was the truth since I stepped on and off the scale three times just to make sure it said the same thing every time.  I know I'm not the only double/triple scale checker! I chose to call it water weight and move on.

We've been back nearly a week now and I'm still up a few pounds over my pre-trip weight, but the truth is as much as I hated seeing a higher number on the scale than I've seen in months, I would do it all again the exact same way. I know I feel better and work harder when I'm eating a clean diet, but finding out both my daughters love fried cheese was adorable and sharing those cookies and cream ice cream cones with them tasted even sweeter than usual. We made memories that wouldn't have been the same if Mommy "will just have a salad" and skipped dessert. In the big picture I still see it as moderation. It was one week out of many.

I ran across this old picture of Matt and me and I was reminded of how far we've come. I used to really believe in the quote, "Never look back unless you are planning to go that way." But for me, looking back is the best way to keep moving forward. The picture on the left...pure motivation.

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